One advantage of going home after knee replacement surgeryknee replacement surgery is that you may feel more comfortable during this critical time of recoverytime of recovery. Your family can also more directly participate in the recovery process. Home health care agencies can provide the services of both a skilled nurse and physical therapist that will travel to the home. Usually these services are provided three times per week for three weeks. These services are typically covered by most insurances.

With the direction of a home physical therapist, the patient will be trained in the appropriate home exercise programhome exercise program and will be assisted with walking. The home nurse can evaluate the incisionincision, and can communicate with your surgeon. They will manage the care plan and can assist with evaluating blood sugar in diabetics and arrange blood draws for patients who require monitoring of Coumadin®Coumadin®.

The arrangements for providing home health care can be made before surgery. The patient should talk with their surgeon or hospital case manager if the patient has a preferred home health care agency. You can research many important details about your local home health care and home physical therapy services available in the FindContacts section of My Knee Guide. Find out "what percentage of patients would recommend the agency," "how well the agency communicates with their patients," and much more.