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Prepare Your Home Considerations for safety and convenience

It is important to prepare your home before surgery. Tap the box as you complete each task

Prepare your household financial paperwork for 3 weeks from the day of surgery

Submit short-term disability paperwork

Review all of your deductibles and co-pays with your surgeon’s office and your insurance company

Move frequently used items, such as utensils, in close reach

Consider pre-cooking meals for easy re-heating

Make arrangements to sleep on the first floor of a multi-story house (avoid stairs)

Make sure there is adequate lighting (shadows are dangerous)

Obtain elevated toilette seat attachment

Make sure there is adequate space for a walker between your furniture

Obtain a shower chair to sit during bathing, when allowed by your surgeon

Make available well fitting, non-slip sneakers/shoes in the home (consider that the foot may be swollen after surgery)

Obtain a reaching device to pick up items from the floor

Board your pets for two to three weeks after surgery

Remove any throw rugs and make sure that there are no loose items on the floor such as lamp cords

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Prepare Your Home Prior to Knee Replacement