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Hospital Teaching Class A checklist to bring with you

Many hospitals offer a pre-operative teaching class prior to knee replacement surgery. You are encouraged to attend and participate. In this class, you will learn more about hospital specific policies and general recovery protocols. You will become more familiar with your hospital facilities, which can reduce anxiety about your upcoming surgery. Below is a checklist of questions to ask your instructors. As you answer each question, a checkmark will appear

Will my hospital room be on a floor dedicated to orthopaedic patients?


Can I meet any of the nurses or physical therapists who will be assisting me after surgery?


Am I provided a map of the hospital facilities?


On the day of surgery, where do I check in?

On the day of surgery, can my family members stay with me until I am taken to the pre-operative holding room?


Where do my family members wait during my surgery?

Can I speak to a case manager to help me start research on in-patient rehabilitation facilities versus home nursing and home physical therapists?


Do I bring equipment to the hospital such as a CPAP machine (for patients who have sleep apnea) or a walker?


Will the case manage arrange for any of the home equipment (such as walker, elevated toilette seat, commode, CPM, etc.)?


Should I bring money or a credit card to the hospital?

Are internet services provided in the room?


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Hospital Teaching Class Prior to Knee Replacement