I have finally decided that I'm tired of the pain due to arthritis & not being able to do the simple things. I stand & look at a curb or small step as a big challenge & have to prepare myself for the discomfort I know will follow. Last x-rays showed Bone on Bone in both knees. I have been dealing with it for 3 1/2 years. Cortisone for first 2 years then gel injections (Synvese) twice this year. I ride a Harley & have for 27 years along the side of my husband. I was not able to ride this past Spring/Summer due to pain. I was not even able to ride behind him. I'm ready....lots of anxiety and scared. Medications I've been on is Celebrex & tramadol. I know recovery & rehab will be intensive. Any advice will be truly appreciated.
Stories - I decided to have my knee replaced when:
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For some, that hard to believe. Its hard not to compare yourself or worry that something is wrong when there is such a wide range of experiences.
I am 7 weeks post op and I still have pain. Had my right knee replaced July 15. I know I'm progressing, but I do get discouraged at times. Night time is still very hard. I found that putting a pillow between my knees helps. I was hoping to be free of pain for a little while, as Oct 14---I am having my left knee done. I'm scared and hope it goes smoother then the first. I made it this far, there's no going back! I too have lived many years just about disabled. My knees were none on bone. My legs wee starting to bow. I if l