Hello friends, I am 66 years old male leading a retired life after 37 years of service as Engineer-cum-Marketing executive.
My right knee started giving problems when I was still in service between 2010-2012. Some doctors advised TKR other advised to avoid it. I have been going for 2 miles Morning walk and doing some exercises too. As preventive measures got knee x-ray done periodically & consulted Ortho surgeon. Once got Sync-one injected too but limited use. Went to 3-4 top New Delhi’s best Hospitals too but not fully satisfied. My younger brother is a professor in a different trade in India’s best hospital. This provided me an opportunity to approach any good doctor/hospital. Finally in late September-2018 met a TKR surgeon, who happens to be an ex-student of my brother in MBBS. He was declared best medical student and had so many more laurels. Doctor sounded an expert. He told his secretary to show me the facilities in hospital. Finally, my TKR done for right knee. Because of the surgeon, all doctors and para medical gave due respect and recognition. When in Operation Theater, I was warmly welcomed. After about two hours long surgery, I came out to recovery room. After breakfast, I was mobilized by a doctor and physiotherapists. Took some ten steps. Moved to ICU in evening, took more steps. Next day moved to Private Room. Regular visits by doctors and physiotherapists. Fifth day, I was discharged. Took support of a stick. Next day, an expert physiotherapists started coming home for exercises. Tenth day after DoO, started moving without stick. After six weeks of surgery, go out for my routine morning walk followed by ten minutes walk in home every hour. Doing about 2.5 miles everyday. Plus one hour Physio session and self exercises.
To sum up, a patient needs patience and will-power to get well soon. Modern day medicine & surgery are well advanced to put you back in good condition. Pray God that He was kind enough to put you back in good condition.
My right knee started giving problems when I was still in service between 2010-2012. Some doctors advised TKR other advised to avoid it. I have been going for 2 miles Morning walk and doing some exercises too. As preventive measures got knee x-ray done periodically & consulted Ortho surgeon. Once got Sync-one injected too but limited use. Went to 3-4 top New Delhi’s best Hospitals too but not fully satisfied. My younger brother is a professor in a different trade in India’s best hospital. This provided me an opportunity to approach any good doctor/hospital. Finally in late September-2018 met a TKR surgeon, who happens to be an ex-student of my brother in MBBS. He was declared best medical student and had so many more laurels. Doctor sounded an expert. He told his secretary to show me the facilities in hospital. Finally, my TKR done for right knee. Because of the surgeon, all doctors and para medical gave due respect and recognition. When in Operation Theater, I was warmly welcomed. After about two hours long surgery, I came out to recovery room. After breakfast, I was mobilized by a doctor and physiotherapists. Took some ten steps. Moved to ICU in evening, took more steps. Next day moved to Private Room. Regular visits by doctors and physiotherapists. Fifth day, I was discharged. Took support of a stick. Next day, an expert physiotherapists started coming home for exercises. Tenth day after DoO, started moving without stick. After six weeks of surgery, go out for my routine morning walk followed by ten minutes walk in home every hour. Doing about 2.5 miles everyday. Plus one hour Physio session and self exercises.
To sum up, a patient needs patience and will-power to get well soon. Modern day medicine & surgery are well advanced to put you back in good condition. Pray God that He was kind enough to put you back in good condition.

patience and toughness and mental will helps one get through this very tough recovery! glad you’re healing well!