As of today my knee hurts worse than it did before the surgery. Painful, swollen and hurts to stand or walk. Forget trying to turn over in in bed. Putting ice on it, does not help at all. Every time I've gone to see someone about my knee I feel like I am being a burden to them. They just want to brush me off and hurry me out the door. All I hear is your x-rays are fine, we will take some fluid and test it. Lets do some blood work. Oh you are gonna have swelling. Sorry if you don't have an infection I can't help you, that's what the last doctor just told me. What happen to how you are all about helping your patient, working to get them back on track, feeling better? I am so fed up right now I am at a lost as to what to do. I have basically become immobile it hurts just to stand up.
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