Hi everyone, I had total knee replacement surgery 4 weeks ago and I am miserable. Today, I found myself so depressed. I didn't want to get out of bed, to do nothing. I am in so much pain. I can't do my exercises because my knee is so swollen. I can't get comfortable in bed no matter what I do. I just want to scream. I had two neck surgeries and a hysterectomy, but this surgery on my knee has been the worst. I am icing and elevating my knee all the time, but not seems to help. The pain medicine helps, but as soon as it wears off, I'm back in pain. I can't put on a sock by myself. I am just so frustrated. But I see I am not alone....
I am at week six and feel the same as you. My knee is still and in pain all the time. I am at PT 2X a week and work on my exercises at home. My range is good, but my knee feels awful. I can feel the appliance in my knee and it is stiff. I hate it!