I’ve been swimming for 24 years. But in the last few months I’ve found that even swimming hurts. I have tried swimming sidestroke, backstroke, and not kicking, but every time I swim (which is now down to once or twice a week) my legs just scream at me in pain. I can barely stand long enough to fold laundry without being in pain. I walk with a cane and still work full time as a librarian, but I am constantly sitting in my recliner with a heating pad on my lap and knees. I no longer grocery shop but have my groceries delivered. I barely go anywhere because it is so hard to get around. I’m 1-1/2 months away from getting my knee replaced but I want to dig it out now. And I worry how I’m going to manage therapy because the other knee is bad too and catches all the time. Feeling very frustrated!
sounds like there is no way but UP! hang in there..that time waiting will pass fast! and you will handle therapy just fine because you’ll think about the days right now that are making you feel bad. you’ll find that light at the end of the tunnel! one knee at a time! I’m 6.5 weeks post op and it’s not easy as my other knee is worse (and scheduled for July)! I consider 2019 my year to heal and to go into 2020 with a bang!