Hello everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! I had my TKR on July 8 of this year. At first I was way ahead of schedule, and felt really good. Somewhere along, I started to backslide. PT becoame unbearably painful. Even now, I am still inPT. I also have severe back problems which has resulted in my losing the feeling in my leg, and outer portion of my foot. In spite ITV this, I feel pain deep inside the leg. The outer tendon is painful to lay on, and when it is massag d, I want to jump off the table! It have intermittent pain when I walk at times, but it he last couple of days, I have been getting severe sudden pain that shoots down my lower leg, and stops me dead in my tracks! If I try to walk, it gets worse. I have balance issues and use forearm crutches to walk except when I am home. Lately because of this problem, I am using the them almost full time! Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you!
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