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I decided to have my knee replaced when..
How my life changed after knee replacement

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40 years old tkr

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3 weeks today. Thought I'd be farther then I am. Anyone have advice on pain control that they have found to work? Seems the pain meds don't help with pain just make me sleepy. I have 4 kids and still have to do a lot around the house. Where have you been at 3 weeks out?
I had my surgery this past Friday (2/24) and came home on Saturday (2/25). I'm coming along pretty well as far as range of motion, exercises, and walking...but as you mention.... the pain meds knock me out. When PT comes I have to double the meds which means I'm good for nothing afterwards. I'm blessed that my daughter and her daughter have temporarily moved in with me. They've been here since Saturday and will most likely be here through the weekend.

You need more help than it seems you're getting.
At 3 weeks you should not be doing a lot around the house. You should still be icing and elevating 4-5 times a day.
Your expecting way too much at 3 weeks! Heal now so you can work the test of your life. you need friends or someone to help now (and you should have lined that up Pre surgery). 3 weeks I got out of the Rehab Center hospital and at 7 weeks doing PT everyday BUT I don’t have kids. Still someone needs to help you. Thats too much on you. 7 weeks out if I’m in my feet 3 hours I’m down with ice, rest and elevation, you should be too.
ice helps as much as pain meds.
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